What If Reality Is Nothing But Perspective


Word count:15027

I want to talk about perspective and points of view this episode is going to be what I consider epistemology so one of the most important things that I try to teach is that reality is deeply perspectival reality is made out of different perspectives and that to understand reality you need to be flexible enough with your mind to be able to look at it from different perspectives why is this so difficult to do have you ever wondered this have you ever noticed that virtually everybody that you know virtually every human on the planet is stuck in their limited perspective of reality and they can't see reality through any other perspective it's like they're stuck and what they're doing from a meta-level if you just kind of like look at what are humans doing with their minds epistemic ly on this planet it's very simple they're born they're conditioned or indoctrinated into some worldview and then they live their entire life looking at the world through that worldview through that perspective unable to see reality in any other way and then they defend that worldview or that perspective to the death as though it's absolute truth when actually it isn't have you noticed this when I say it like that it seems so obvious like how could humans be so stupid as to genuinely believe that the perspective that they have of reality is actually some sort of absolute truth or how things actually are and here I'm talking about all manner of perspective I'm not just talking about really fundamentalism although of course I am I'm talking about political perspectives I'm talking even about materialism and science as a perspective of reality I'm talking about rationality logic I'm talking about whether it's feminism or whether it's men's rights or red pill or sort of the pick up way of looking at the world or whether you're a capitalist or a socialist or a liberal or a conservative or this or that mmm whatever culture you're from whether you're Japanese or Chinese or Brazilian or American or European or Scandinavian or African or a middle-eastern whatever religion you have and then even just beyond that even if you start to get into spirituality like genuine spirituality not the sort of spirituality as a Dogma via religion but like real spiritual work non-duality awakening work and so forth even there people have different perspectives that they get stuck on have you noticed this have you wondered why this is going on what are the deeper structures of the mind or of the psyche that are fueling this because it's so common everyone is stuck in their own perspective isn't it obvious to you that no one perspective can be correct isn't that obvious isn't it obvious what the game is that the mind is playing every mind basically thinks that every other mind is diluted with the exception of itself which it thinks is the absolute truth or the absolute perspective so people will readily agree that all there's all these people in the world but of course my perspective can't be diluted and of course everybody is doing that same thing so we get the kind of mess that we're in see so one of the most important things that I try to teach with my work my entire life's work is grounded in this is to try to avoid that pitfall yourself to try to do the exact opposite of what everybody else is doing in society which is to stop defending your perspective and to take a sort of a meta perspective by stepping up one level taking a higher elevation looking down upon the entire situation and seeing it for what it is which is a game of the mind of defending its own perspective I mean look everywhere you look on YouTube you see people debating other people about differences in perspective everywhere you see on cable news it's people arguing with other people defending their perspectives and unable and unwilling it's like they're deliberately unwilling to be able to look at the world from somebody else's perspective have you noticed that why does that happen why is it such a common phenomenon see part of the materialist paradigm which all of us assume and take for granted as the default way that reality is we tend to think of reality as this objective external material thing out there and then that we humans are just we're looking at it but there's something deep that's absolute that we aren't creating but that's just their part as part of reality and that that is sort of like what we're seeing in that our perspective isn't really a perspective we hold it as truth we hold it as something deeper than just a perspective and it never occurs to us what if reality itself is nothing but perspective what if there's nothing but our own perspectives on reality that's an interesting meta perspective but see most people are so stuck in their perspective that just to get them to consider the possibility that there is no reality underneath your perspective there is only differences in perspective and that in the end all perspectives are in a sense equally valid or just one way of accessing reality and there that there is no reality underneath or behind the particular way in which you're accessing it most people don't want to consider that as a possibility because that robs them of the attachment they have to their own perspective then it's very clear at that point if you accept that premise or that possibility that I just laid out it's it's very clear that then defending any one particular perspective is very silly but our minds on the other hand get very attached to our perspectives and our perspectives really really seem true they really seem objective it seems like my perspective it's not something I'm creating it seems like my perspective is just how the world is and it couldn't be otherwise so one of the things I try to push you to do which makes this work different than many other things that you encounter in society then many other intellectual works is that few other intellectual works explicitly acknowledge this Mehta view of perspectives and explicitly push you to go beyond your own perspective of reality to not get stuck in that trap most of what you encounter in society in the intellectual marketplace is you encounter various people pushing their own perspectives because they think that they're true and this has been happening throughout all of human history and yet what we see if we look far enough back into into history we see how absurd many of these different perspectives were at the time how wrong they were how deluded they were how partial they were and so on and yet at that time people treated these perspectives as absolute truth there was a time where the majority of people on this planet had the perspective that the planet is flat and it's at the center of the universe and it's not in motion the planet is not spinning it's not moving it's completely stationary see and now we look at that and we laugh how silly they are we think but this should so a very deep doubt in your mind because if millions and billions of people could have been deceived in such a way about such a fundamental thing just as little as five or a thousand years or five hundred years or a thousand years ago then what makes us so confident that we're not committing the same kind of epistemic mistakes today see my entire life's work is is informed by this possibility very early on in my teenage years I just noticed that people were disagreeing with each other about different perspectives and I noticed that I too disagreed with these people now of course I had my own perspective but then it made me wonder but how can I be so sure that my perspective is it right why am i why am i defending my own perspective as vehemently as I am and then that got me to start to question like well how do I really know anything at all that gets you into some deep waters of epistemology and I spent some number of years being very skeptical mostly skeptical of my own ideas and as I questioned my own ideas I realized that really there was no foundation to my own ideas into my own perspectives and beliefs and then that is what led me to ultimately reaching this this this point of a profound relativity a profound appreciation of relativity which then opened up my mind to be able to explore reality in radical new ways that most human beings are unable to do because they're stuck in their own perspective and this has been if there has been any magic formula in my in my life and in my work this is it this is one of my biggest magic tricks is the ability to recognize that my own mind is bullshitting me and then I can't take it too seriously and once you see this it completely changes your whole orientation to society to mankind to belief systems to ideologies to science to religion to spirituality and it opens up radical new possibilities that that most people could never pursue because they're stuck in their own perspective defending their own perspective but see in order to go in this direction there's a problem in that you have to be willing to endure the sting and the emotional discomfort of doubt and surrendering your own perspectives on reality all the stuff you've been taught all the stuff it seems intuitive and obvious to you all the stuff that seems self-evident all the stuff that your religion taught you that your teachers and professors taught you that you read in books that your parents taught you that's part of the background assumptions of your entire culture all that needs to be questioned that's very uncomfortable and it's not immediately obvious what you would gain from doing such a thing because at first it seems like just abstract philosophy doesn't seem like it's gonna really get you huge success or earning a bunch of money or get you a bunch of hot girls or something like that so why would you do it well for me the motivation was just pure understanding a desire to understand what's really going on for its own sake not to get something out of it but just to understand for the sake of understanding if I had to teach you one thing with my work I think it would be this the ability to step back from all perspectives and to realize that no perspective is true all perspectives are partial and that your own mind is always biased towards whatever perspective it has on the world it's like you have these blinders on where your mind deliberately is unwilling to question your own perspective precisely because the mind is situated in that perspective and it stands to lose its own self by giving up that perspective and because it has this deep fear this fundamental fear of losing its perspective the way that it copes with that is that it creates all sorts of dysfunctional coping mechanisms that project its own ignorance and defensiveness and insecurities outward such that it doesn't have to focus in on questioning itself for example mechanisms like debating arguing with others getting angry at others judging others for how stupid they are creating an entire career around one's ideology or philosophy or perspective writing books about it starting YouTube channels about it defending it using logic and reason to project one's perspective out onto the world condemning and demonizing others for not agreeing or understanding your perspective because see the trick with a perspective is that you don't hold the perspective and yet think of it as a perspective when you are really bought into your perspective your perspective is for you reality most people don't make a distinction between reality and their perspective of reality they think that their perspective is reality just to kind of ground this a little bit let's give you some examples because it might be getting a little too abstract for example you believe that you were born you believe that that's not a belief or a perspective that you were born to you that you were born is reality it's not like oh well yeah I was born well that's one perspective and then so there are some other perspective that's alternative to that no there's no such possibility space in your mind that is part of your perspective is your perspective is such that your perspective is that you were born and your perspective is that there is no perspective about this it's just reality and there's no possible alternative another perspective that you might have is that you you believe that the universe existed before you were born and that you were born into it and that when you die you will sort of reverse that process you will be born out of it you will disappear but the universe will continue to run along as it did before you were born your ancestors will will continue to live on your children and their children and so forth that mankind it'll all continue just like it did before you were born now again this is not held as a perspective this is held as a reality so these are just a few examples I mean we could come up with hundreds of different examples of of what perspectives are you could have the Christian worldview you could have the Buddhist worldview you could have the Islamic world view you could have the atheistic worldview some nihilistic worldview you know whatever so is a very very tricky thing your mind doesn't want you to venture outside of your perspective it feels uncomfortable it feels confusing it can even feel painful to venture too far outside of ones perspective but therein lies the the true work and freedom that you can gain the growth that you can gain as a human is not falling into that same old trap that 99% of people fall into which is defending their perspective and holding it as absolute truth what if you did the exact opposite of that what if you made a counterintuitive move here and you said that for the rest of your life you commit to being non-ideological and you commit to surrendering your own perspective enduring the emotional discomfort and labor that comes with that and exploring other others perspectives not looking for a replacement or a better perspective but rather as a sort of meta exercise in just the exploration of perspectives what if you took that approach to life from now on what if you are no longer interested in defending any intellectual position or pet theory of yours ever what if that whole exercise just ceased to have meaning for you you didn't care anymore about defending liberalism or conservativism or libertarianism or socialism or capitalism or Christianity or Islam or science or atheism or even logic or rationality or even material existence or human history what if you saw through that entire game as just a game of the mind and you rose above that can you see how that would be a a radically different attitude towards life than almost any of your peers friends family members or colleagues or even great intellectuals in society have ever done it's so simple but it's such a counterintuitive move it's so deeply counterintuitive that it doesn't even occur to most people to do this yet when you hear me talking about it in retrospect it seems so obvious it seems like yeah why would I limit myself artificially to one particular culture religion school of philosophy or political ideology or anything any of that because they all seem so limited why would i artificially limit my own mind why how can i really judge another perspective unless i've lived in it looked through that lens and seen what it really feels like you see one of the problems with perspectives is that people will use their perspective to evaluate some other perspective without actually switching perspectives such that what happens is that your original perspective colors how you see some other perspective and of course because of the biased nature the partial nature of every perspective it's going to impart a sort of a tint or a distortion onto other perspectives and therefore you're not going to really truly be able to understand the other perspective so what I mean by this is if you're a Christian that's your perspective on the world and then when you look and consider other perspectives like Islam or atheism or let's say Sol abscissa as three alternative possibilities just chosen sort of at random when the Christian looks at those the Christian isn't objectively honestly neutrally giant with genuine desire to understand or a genuine desire to explore those other perspectives going and actually looking at the world through those perspectives the Christian mostly what they do is they see Islam or atheism or salep system through their own lens which is not the same thing as actually looking at the world through an atheist lens or Islamic lens or solipsistic lens and of course the eighth I mean the the Christians world view or perspective contains defense mechanisms and justifications and rationales for why doing so would be a bad idea why it would be dangerous why it would be evil why would be a waste of time why it would be immoral and so on but the trick that needs to be noticed here is that this is a trick of the mind because of course one's perspective is going to have rationales for that for why that one perspective that you happen to hold is the best one I mean when you really think about it with even a little bit of self reflection it becomes so obvious how self biased and partial one's perspectives are perspectives tend to be selfish and then tend to just elevate themselves above everything else I mean it it's so convincing the convenience of its strike you doesn't it strike you as a little bit too vini n't that when a person holds any perspective that perspective tells tends to tell them that that is the best perspective they could possibly hold I mean it's just the game that the mind is playing is a certain sense it's so obvious that it stuns you how come you didn't notice it sooner and yet most people don't so for example if I'm a fundamentalist Christian I believe I have the right worldview the best one how convenient and if I'm an atheist I believe I have the right worldview the best one again how convenient and if I'm an academic I believe that my academic research and my academic worldview is the best one how convenient this Moline because even with great intellectuals people with high IQs people who are well-educated academics and scholars and Nobel Prize winners it's quite stunning how easily they fall into this trap of getting locked into their one perspective for example one of the things that immediately puzzled and shocked me when I started to do academic philosophy you know when I was about 16 years old 18 years old I got into philosophy just on my own started reading philosophy books started reading about different schools of philosophy but immediately it occurred to me that what is the history of philosophy but different philosophers arguing for their own perspective and I thought how narrow-minded is that every single philosopher over the last two thousand years since like Plato and Aristotle has been writing these massive tomes these books and treatises and dialogues and so forth arguing for their perspective of the world but isn't it obvious that all of them have a partial and limited perspective on the world and that none of them are ultimately true in any absolute sense that all of them are just picking up aspects of reality and talking about them but none of them truly encompass all of reality isn't that obvious and yet as obvious as that is I mean this isn't rocket science it's so obvious it's common sense that that's the case but but at the same time these people devote their entire careers and lives to defending their positions how can that be how can these these are supposedly these philosophers you know the philosophers from Western civilization from the Western intellectual tradition look if we just focus on those these were probably some of the most intelligent wisest smartest humans of Western civilization and yet they've fell into this very simple basic fundamental trap of the mind so as soon as I saw that it made me immediately question like well how am I gonna do philosophy am I gonna just like devote my life to doing philosophy and fall into the exact same trap as all these people what's the point I thought the point was to understand reality not just just play favorites with different perspectives and then try to convince and persuade others of my perspective I don't want to play that game I'm interested in something deeper something truer if something true or a deeper exists I didn't know at the time whether it did or didn't see once you start to see this game is sort of it ruins the illusion for you it's a very powerful meta perspective so your mind is engaged in an active process of creating a perspective a reality the reason that a perspective is so difficult for people to distinguish from reality is that it is reality it's your reality and a very useful way to think of it is that all of us are not living in the same reality we're living in different realities depending on how different our perspectives are from each other and some people have radically different perspectives than ourselves imagine the perspective of a of a dictator like Saddam Hussein or Hitler or Stalin imagine the perspective of a woman if you're a man or a man if you're a woman imagine the perspective of an animal how do you think your dog experiences reality can you see how radically different it would be than your experience of reality what would even be that intersection it's not so obvious imagine the perspective of fundamentalist Christian today versus the perspective of a Christian 2,000 years ago these were totally different perspectives even though they're both called Christian imagine the perspective of some natives living in a tribe of a hundred somewhere in the Amazon rainforest these people have barely even seen modern society or technology they don't have computers or microwave ovens or refrigerators and then you're walking through the forest through the jungle in the Amazon and then for the first time in your life you see a helicopter or a jet airplane flying over the canopy imagine the perspective of a slave someone who grew up in slavery and doesn't even know what it's like to live what we would call a normal free life as a child he was just a slave his parents were slaves and their parents were slaves there's not even a possibility in this child's mind of anything other than slavery imagine the perspective of a prostitute so this is just a little sampling you see notice I want you to notice whether you're resistant to exploring as different perspectives notice that in a certain sense is kind of uneasy maybe uncomfortable maybe some of these perspectives seem ugly to you you don't want to explore them maybe some of them seem wrong or evil imagine the perspective of a serial killer or a cannibal now again when I asked you to imagine these different perspectives I'm not saying to judge these perspectives from your existing perspective I'm saying to actually embody that perspective to look through that lens which means you have to relinquish your existing perspective you have to step outside of yourself that's difficult for the mind to do of course because you are your mind hmm you don't just have a mind you are your mind so when I ask you to change perspectives the more radical the shift in perspective the harder it'll be for your mind to do the more open-mindedness will be required and the more threatening it will be because you will feel a greater sense of loss of your own identity so one of the reasons that people who share similar perspectives get along better together as a community as a society as a as a nation or as a tribe is because their perspectives although different every individual has a different perspective but some of us have less difference than others and so for example it's a lot easier to build a nation based on a single common perspective such as Christianity or Islam because that serves as a sort of a unifying binding thing that we can all agree on it is a sort of a consensus that we've come to we all sort of see the world in a in a certain coherent way collectively because we share some fundamental parts of our perspective and then it's easier to get along it's easier to understand how the other person thinks there's less disagreement our values are more similar so we can we can make decisions and we come to agreements that that most of us would be comfortable with and now try to imagine what it would be like to build a tribe or a city or a nation where you had fundamentalist Christians and fundamentalist Muslims in equal proportions I mean it would be a constant tug-of-war now I'm not using this to justify creating some sort of ethno state I'm just pointing out some of the real challenges of how perspectives work likewise it would be difficult to get for example a spiral atomic stage green hippy in the same room with a serial killer and to have them to sit and just have a conversation with each other it would be difficult to do that it's a lot easier to just get a roomful of hippies together and then they can all sit around and they can play guitar and smoke some weed and do some you know chanting and some other stuff like that that they all agree on and they're all happy with but you know once you introduce a few serial killers into that into that group and some dictators and some of the what's gonna happen you don't know what's gonna happen it creates a volatile mix people start pulling in different directions and notice that people kill each other over difference of perspective so this is not merely some abstract philosophical consideration works like oh yeah Leo's talking about perspectives and he just wants us to be more open-minded and just to like explore other perspectives know people kill each other over difference of perspective people get divorced over difference of perspective people enslave each other over difference of perspective people conquer each other people exterminate each other have you wondered why something as abstract as a perspective after all what is a perspective anyway such a seems like such a nebulous abstract philosophical sort of thing why would we kill human beings over difference of perspective why what is the function of perspective in one's reality in one's life what is the perspective doing why is it even there to begin with these are all questions for you to ponder I'm not necessarily going to answer them all for you I want to sort of guide you towards thinking about this a little bit more deeply because I think people really take perspective for granted perspective is such a fundamental thing and yet none of us are really taught how to think about perspective none of us are Todd had a question perspectives how to explore new perspectives how to open our minds to perspectives this is one of the most important functions of Education and yet most of our education system is just brute force memorization of various facts and perspectives most education is about teaching you a perspective rather than teaching you about how perspective works which means that most education is just indoctrination into a particular perspective you see as it turns out a perspective is not just some arbitrary random thing your perspective is how you survive within reality it's how you keep yourself alive your perspective is a bit like the operating system that runs the entire heart it's the it's the software it's the fundamental most fundamental layer of the software that is running the hardware so to speak of your body it's like the bios of an operating system it's it's so deep and it's so fundamental that usually we don't notice it we don't think about it we don't change it very much because it's dangerous to change it has wide repercussions in terms of your behavior your actions your feelings usually what we're changing when we're changing ourselves at all is we're changing the apps on the computer we're not going in and mucking around in the BIOS but the problem with that is that if you want serious change significant change it's not going to be enough just to change the apps on your computer or on your phone if you really want to change the behavior of a machine or your phone or your computer or whatever it is you're gonna have to go to the to the BIOS level and change that that will that will really allow you new capabilities open up new capabilities of that hardware but there's a trade-off is that it's more difficult to do that kind of work it's more threatening there's more potential for mistakes you know you make a error or bug in the BIOS it because it's it's closer to the core in a mistake there affects everything it will screw up all the apps but also you see part of the problem is that the BIOS we got or the BIOS we have today whatever yours is you got where where did you get it from you got it from your culture and your society and your parents and your education system basically that's where you got it from but what is all that well that's all content that's just an arbitrary contingent function of where you were born what time you were born in what country you were born in what parents you were born to and so on and the conditions that were occurring in that environment and so your BIOS had to fit and to match whatever environment you were born into otherwise you would have died see so for example if you were born into a fundamentalist Christian family and yet you didn't subscribe to that fundamentalist Christian BIOS it's not just it's not just a collection of beliefs you see Christianity not just a collection of beliefs it's much deeper than that it's an entire operating system a set of assumptions fundamental assumptions metaphysical ones epistemic ones moral ones about reality in the universe and your role in it about people about animals about all sorts of stuff which informs how you're going to interact with all that stuff so that that BIOS was sort of downloaded into you from your parents and so on because it's functional the reason that they could give it to you is because they have lived in that environment and then they they recreated that environment that you were born into right like they were also part of some Christian community so when you're part of a Christian community a Christian BIOS works harmoniously with that community and therefore if you adopt it then you can live a rather pleasant peaceful life people will accept you they will approve of you they will love you they we'll give you accolades they will give you a job good luck getting a job in an all Christian fundamentalist community when you're an avowed atheist or Muslim probably not gonna work so well good luck getting all of your basic needs met when you have the the Islamic BIOS in a fundamentalist Christian community good luck getting the approval that every human craves the love that you crave the sex that you crave the kind of romantic relationships that you crave the marriage that you want the children that you want to raise with your partner the the sense of community that you want to have and feel like you're a part of the kind of job and career that you want to have and so on see so in a sense you were forced into adopting the bios of whatever community you were born into because as a child all you really want is just approval in love that's that's all you really want from your parents and your your friends during your first let's say 10 to 20 years of development that's mostly what you want you want to fit in you want to be loved you want to be taken care of and if those things are denied to you things go terribly wrong in one's BIOS and you see the child would it's getting programmed with this BIOS is an early age the child has no prior experience a child is like a blank slate the child doesn't understand that there even is a BIOS that he's being programmed with anything the child doesn't understand that this is happening this is only something you could recognize maybe 30 years afterwards and even then you know if you're listening to me maybe you can recognize it but but like you're not gonna most people are not gonna recognize this unless you're doing serious philosophy serious self-reflection so anyways you're getting programmed with this BIOS and you have no ability to evaluate the quality of this BIOS it's pros and cons its limitations its strengths and weaknesses you don't consider any of that to you it's just reality it's your environment you don't know any other environment but the one you grew up in you don't know any other culture you don't know any other religion you don't know any other metaphysical or epistemic system or framework or paradigm and so understandably after 1020 years of growing up like that it's cemented in your mind and then that that sets how you will see the world and how you were interact with humans and others in your community for the rest of your life now of course it's possible to undo that and to change that but that's gonna require special labor on your part to do that and what happens when you get programmed with a bios which is out of date or out of tune with the rapidly changing culture and community or if you move and change communities or if the BIOS is just inherently toxic and dysfunctional to begin with what if you're raised in some sort of toxic abusive family what if you're raised in some kind of Mormon cult polygamous cult what if you're raised in some sort of secular atheistic business-minded family sort of like the the stories here now that we that are coming out about Donald Trump how Donald Trump was raised his father Fred Trump how he raised his kids you know Fred Trump was this was the sort of business tycoon type I imagine he wasn't too religious I imagine he was atheistic I would imagine he was very he sort of materialistic in terms of seeking just the material pleasures of life sex money and power and so on and so this was this was program to the bios of all the Trump family children see try to see that when your mind knows nothing else but the BIOS that is running it it is using that by that BIOS to evaluate and judge everything it sees it's the lens through which everything is seen and it's precisely because of that that the mind is incapable of objectively impartial e evaluating its own flaws of the BIOS you see it's sort of like if there was an error in a computer system at the most fundamental level of the code then that computer system would not be able to recognize its own errors because the very mechanism of err recognition would itself be erroneous and that turns out to be the sort of hinge point upon which most of mankind's problems hinge is that when we're really really bad at neutrally and impartially evaluating the inadequacies of our own worldviews and in fact instead what we try to do is we try to deny it we create all sorts of defense mechanisms and coping mechanisms to deny that this is even a problem we create excuses and rationales justifications we project outward any deficiencies in our own perspective and worldview we project that out onto others in the world because when you're looking at the world through rose-colored glasses the whole world looks rose and would you look at your own glasses if you try to reflect on the glasses while you're wearing the glasses the glasses themselves will look rosy so when a Christian a fundamentalist Christian evaluates his own worldview to him it seems fine what problem there's no problems or when a muhabba Strada chol islamist looks at his own worldview to him it's there's no problem but from our perspective we've had a look at that we say but isn't it obvious to him that there's something deeply wrong within his worldview where his worldview is advocating and harming civilians and death to infidels and this sort of stuff isn't it obvious to him that that's not that that is dysfunctional but there's something that there's something very bod deeply biased about that but see that's because you're looking at it from your worldview you have to be able to drop your worldview and look at it from his perspective from his perspective he can't see it but what that means is that from your perspective you can't see your own deficiencies and errors of your BIOS so in practice most people have a very deficient outdated bios and is precisely because it's so deficient and outdated that they get defensive about it and they refuse to change it under any circumstances and then they wonder why they're unhappy in life why they suffer why life is [ __ ] why humans don't get along with each other around them they wonder while this is going on and why their life is so dysfunctional and then when they try to change it by reading a book and they change a few apps on their on their computer they wonder like well okay I changed a few things but fundamentally there's still problems that's right because those problems are rooted in the BIOS but the BIOS is the one thing you don't want to change because actually the BIOS is what constitutes your entire identity so most people would rather survive as dysfunctional Devils than to admit that they are dysfunctional Devils and then to do the work of actually correcting their BIOS to change that they would rather be right than to actually improve their life to significantly improve your life you need to go to the BIOS level and change that which is not what most self-help teaches you how to do which is why most self-help it's effective to a degree but not to a deep degree because it doesn't really address these epistemic and metaphysical deficiencies in in your bios which percolate and manifest throughout all of your actions behaviors thoughts beliefs and attitude towards the whole world see people don't appreciate how deep this perspective stuff goes you might be sitting there listening to this you might say yeah Leo I generally agree with you I think it's important to look at the world through different perspectives and so on but still you see that's still a trick of the mind because what's happening there is that what happens is that you have your main perspective but because your mind is so attached to that perspective when you start to evaluate this perspective your mind constructs a new perspective within the existing perspective such that now we have nested perspectives like this imagine them like a perspective I kind of think of as a cone so you have a cone within a cone and then what happens is that you start to evaluate on the cone within the cone that your mind is constructed so your mind has constructed a sort of a virtual perspective of your actual perspective and then what you're engaged in is you're engaged in questioning the virtual perspective but not the actual meta perspective the actual original perspective which is still running the whole show such that what happens is that you you end up questioning the virtual perspective then you think okay yeah I did I question my perspective and I don't see any problems in it or I've solved some of the problems of it and now I now we're good right but no you haven't really the trick of the mind is that you only questioned the the fake perspective your perspective of your own perspective not the actual perspective itself because the actual perspective itself if you if you go all the way you know towards the very back of the cone if we're looking at as a cone like this all the way to the very back of the cone what are you gonna find at that point where the cone lines converge all at that point what are you gonna find there you're gonna find nothing nothing at all you're gonna find the true self you're gonna find what you really are without a perspective and that's what you're most afraid of is finding that because to find that is going to obliterate the whole perspective it's going to reveal the perspective to be completely ah construction an arbitrary relative construction that was designed for the survival of its own self in other words what you're going to discover is that your entire life has been selfish partial and biased everything you believed everything you thought that was true everything you did all the ways in which you behaved even such things that you would normally think of as just brute objective facts like the fact of your birth or the fact that you were given birth to by parents a mother and a father the fact of a universe that you were birthed into the fact that you're going to die the fact that there are other humans in the world that you interact with your belief in a God or not a God whichever one you believe in whether there is one or isn't one all of these you'll find that even those largest constructions and even the idea that you are your body you will find that to be a construction and then even the idea that there is a reality at all you'll find that to be a construction and eventually you'll discover that you needed all these constructions to be any particular way at all because if you didn't construct these things if you didn't have a perspective you would be nothing and there would be nothing to talk about nothing to experience and nothing to survive and no reason to pursue anything there would be no meaning to life because meaning is only relative to the things that you want to pursue which are only relative to the things that you are interested in survive it your body in your life and so on so in a sense this this self-reflection process of going all the way back to the to the origin point of this cone of perspective is really sort of the reverse process of your birth and the reverse process of your of your education and your upbringing your birth education upbringing was this accretion process more like a snowball rolling down a hill you you rolled and rolled and rolled and you accreted more and more material to grow bigger and bigger and bigger and to gain more substance and so as you were growing in your teenage years and then into your early 20s and 30s and so on you have created more and more material more and more perspective and then once you accrete that material you need to defend that accretion so that it doesn't break apart because otherwise you feel like you're dying you're losing yourself so you spent the first half of your life accreting yourself and then if you want you can spend the other half of your life now reversing that process and surrendering yourself and going backwards and discovering why you accreted yourself in the first place pretty cool see the thing we call life and reality's much more amazing than materialist with have you believed you're not just a thing that was born you're a thing that created itself why did you create yourself in the exact ways that you did and not in some other ways you see but for this whole process to work you have to be willing to actually want to understand in a truthful way what's really going on with you it can't be some personal thing you can't just be defending some ideology or some worldview because it suits you that's what most people are doing here you have to to do this self-reflection process to really understand what's going on you have to be willing to surrender your own self and your perspective and then you wonder well what's in it for me leo what's in it for me if I do this but you see that's already the wrong question because if you're asking what's in it for you that's already you're basically asking how can I just double down on my own existing perspective but if you're just doubling down on your existing perspective you're just gonna get more the same you're not gonna get something different and you're never going to understand reality that way so the reason that I personally got really serious about exploring different perspectives is because I wanted to understand reality not through my own personal lens but how it ultimately is and for that I need to be able to step outside my perspective and explore other perspectives and ultimately it turns out that reality is nothing but a collection of infinite perspectives every possible perspective that could be taken by consciousness is what reality is it's every possible way that reality could be seen that is what reality is that's what you discover and you discover that to really understand a reality you need to look at it from every possible angle every possible perspective sort of like if we had an elephant standing here and we wanted to understand this elephant what most people do is they just take one snapshot of the elephant from one particular angle relative to where they're standing so one person will take the snapshot from the front one from the back one from the side one from underneath from one from up top one from two feet away one from 100 feet away one from a mile away and they all get different views of the elephant but if you're the type of person who wants to understand what an elephant really is can you ever be satisfied with a single angle no you need to see every possible angle now you might wonder but-but-but what is the elephant really this is sort of the question that the LA Spurs asked there's our perception of the elephant okay we've got that it's got colors and this and that but but leo different people see the elephant in different ways you know maybe a colorblind person looks at the elephant one way or like if we're using different cameras you know every cameras gonna capture that elephant differently so it's not just a matter of angle it's also a matter of what camera you use what lens you use what settings in the camera you use to see see we start to get a multiplication of possibilities here so it's not even just as simple as every possible angle and notice to get this elephant just even using a single camera a single lens all the exact same settings and even using a single distance from the elephant can you see that there's an infinite number of angles to an elephant infinite angles but now it gets more complex the infinity increases because it's not just different angles it's different distances from the elephant it's different cameras different lenses different settings we can look at the elephant in different electromagnetic spectrum we can see what the elephant looks like to the human eyes or to a camera design for human eyes or we can look at it through night vision or through x-ray or through infrared or through ultraviolet and whatever else there exists we can look at it even through sonar we can use a sonar to hit that elephant ping the elephant like a submarine sort of thing with a radar and get some sort of signature back and that will be one aspect of the elephant you see so what's happening is that we're paying this elephant using different settings so to speak we're gonna just say settings includes all the possible variations cameras angles whatever and we're getting some data back in a certain sense from that elephant we can even ask like artists you know that'll be an interesting example taking uh take an elephant take a hundred different artists put them at a hundred different angles and have them draw that elephant and you're gonna get like very very different depictions you know some of the art will be very realistic some of the art will be very impressionistic like that sort of Monet fuzzy painting some will be very abstract or you know maybe some artists will just draw a square like a blue square on a on a white background that will be his his notion of you know that's the essence the spirit of the elephant is that that blue square somebody else will will do like a Picasso sort of fragmented cubist you know painting of the elephant so people will exaggerate and distort in all different ways and you might say well which one is true well it's the one that's most realistic right it's the one that actually looks closest to an elephant no it's completely relative all of the perspectives are valid given that you understand where the perspective is coming from you see so in a certain sense that highly abstract painting of an elephant that just captures its pure essence like a a square painted blue or a square painted gray you might say well this this is a child could draw that that's not real art it doesn't really capture the elephant but it could capture the essence of an elephant better than a realistic depiction of the elephant but in order to appreciate that you have to really fully go into the mind of the person who drew that thing you see it's very easy to just dismiss it and say well that that's not really an elephant that's some [ __ ] it has nothing to do with an elephant so you got it you got to think beyond that this is where helps to be able to step outside your perspective because if your whole perspective of art is that it has to be as real as possible that you have to recognize that that's one perspective of art it doesn't have to be that way nowhere in the universe does it does God say that elephants must be depicted as they are in the most photorealistic way in a certain sense there's there's more artistry and there's something more interesting and more profound and deep when you capture an elephant in an abstract way if you can actually capture it that way it's not easy it's not just as simple as drawing a square and painting a certain color to really capture its essence you'd have to go beyond that you have to you'd have to kind of like see into its soul or see into its essence into its spirit whatever that means so so you might wonder if we accumulate all of this all of these different perspectives you know we have photorealistic ones we have x-rays we have microwave pictures we have sonars and radars and we have different painters painting the elephant in different ways how is the elephant really well of course the elephant is infinity the elephant is nothing the elephant is everything the elephant is the infinity of infinity of ways in which it can be seen understood and depicted so normally we think of an elephant as like this creature with big ears and tusks and it's gray colored and it's got a tail and it's big and it's got feet and this is how we don't really think of an elephant no that's an elephant relative to your BIOS to your human nervous system to your eyes ears all of that so if we see you actually believe that's how an element that's like what an elephant is you believe that's what an elephant is is the way that you see it and I mean it is that that's a valid way to see an elephant there's nothing wrong with that but if you really wonder stand where an elephant is you're gonna have to explore every possible perspective of that elephant and then when you unify them all together then you understand what an elephant really is and it's infinity it's just infinity as is every other object as is the entire universe as are you see even just to see that elephant to begin with what you had to do is you had to separate yourself from the elephant such that there's an elephant here there's you as a human over here using your nervous system to look at this elephant over here and then you know light is bouncing forth and all this sort of stuff you had to sort of you have to create all these dualities all these distinctions you have to separate yourself from the elephant so you could look at the elephant in that particular way that you're looking at it from and see from that limited perspective and then you get a material elephant because if you didn't do that there wouldn't be any material elephant there to begin with there wouldn't even be a you to begin with so see if you want the full richness of reality it's imperative that you start to appreciate all the different perspectives that can be taken on every object and every subject and to be neutral about it so that you don't get biased or locked into any one favorite one because they see if you say that well the best depiction of an elephant is a photorealistic one or the most truest version of an elephant is the one taken with this nikon camera with this particular lens and this particular distance at this particular angle if you get if you get stuck on that then see your your look at how much of a reality you're missing out on you're missing out on the the true beauty and awesomeness of what reality is which it wishes it's diversity of perspective necessitated you're literally missing out on infinity by choosing to look at reality from one particular partial angle and how sad is that you're crippling yourself and then you're wondering why you're not satisfied in the world and why you suffer and why things seem bleak and bad and why you're upset at people well it's because you're stuck you've artificially limited yourself without realizing what you've done and then also you're incapable of getting along with others because you're so stuck on your one limited angle of a perspective that you're not willing to budge and to consider the perspectives of others in fact you actively hate all other perspectives other than your own you fight them you debate them you reason against them you waste a lot of mental energy doing that all of that just to defend your little narrow view of the world and then of course you can't get along with others because when you think your perspective is the only true right one and others have different perspective which of course they must have because they're different than you they have a different body different mind different upbringing different environment different parents different genetics different personality type different neurology different chemicals and neurotransmitters going through their brain and all of that you start to fight with them which leads to violence which leads to racism which leads to genocide which leads to war which leads slavery and oppression and all these things and all of that because you're just committed to your one little narrow perspective and so is everybody else and then you're surprised why we don't get along why there's riots in the streets why people hate each other life you'll hurt each other this is it what if you made a commitment to be neutral to all the different perspectives to stop judging them to start appreciating them and start loving them as though they were your own what if you approached life in this way where you knew that in this life right now you're gonna live through it as a man or a woman as white or black as Asian as Christian or Muslim or Buddhist or whatever you are conservative liberal capitalist socialist you're gonna live through it with that perspective and then when you die you're gonna live through it you're gonna be born again and then live through it through some other perspective of course no maybe a different time this was that you were you know first you were alive during the 21st century then you'll die then you'll experience it from the 22nd century then you'll experience the earth from the 23rd century then you'll experience some other planet from some other century and then it'll just keep iterating and iterating and iterating the universe will keep iterating through every possible perspective until it understands itself from every possible angle from every possible location and all the locations and all the angles are infinite so this process continues endlessly forever and that that is what the universe is it's a never-ending process of self reflection of self understanding and as this self-reflection deepens and understanding increases the universe recognizes itself as being infinitely perspectival and as it does so it surrenders its attachment to individual perspectives and forms until eventually it reaches a sort of a critical mass of understanding where finally it falls in love with itself by falling in love with all of its diversity of perspectives by surrendering its own selfish attachment to one specific perspective and the way that it does that is by living through that perspective and understanding it fully not just understanding it in theory but actually living through it like I said earlier to really understand in perspective it's not enough to look at it from some other perspective you actually have to incarnate and live through it so to really understand what it's like to be a fundamentalist Christian it's not enough while being an atheist to maybe attend a church meeting even that is more than most atheists will ever do in their life see most atheists are so disgusted by fundamentalist Christians they think they're such idiots that they wouldn't even attend a fundamentalist church for a Bible meeting because they think it would be stupid and a waste of their time but even if they did attend that meeting they still really wouldn't understand what it's like to be a funnel most fundamentalist Christian to really understand they would have to die and reincarnate as a fundamentalist Christian and live through that they'd have to completely surrender their atheism to really understand that and then of course the same goes for a Christian a fundamentalist Christian would never dare to go to a Middle Eastern mosque and pray actually seriously pray five times a day or whatever they do in some middle-eastern mosque uh-huh cuz he would think that that's that's pointless it's stupid it's wrong it doesn't it doesn't tell me anything about the world it's just delusion its falsehood it's gonna it's gonna detract from my Christianity it's gonna somehow endanger my Christian identity or whatever or maybe it'll even be a a betrayal of God to do such a thing that's fundamentally what a Christian would would believe a fundamental squish I mean there's different kinds of Christians and there's different kinds of Muslims or some are more open-minded others but I'm sort of talking about the father blue ones so but yeah so for that Christian to really understand what it means to be a Muslim he would have to die and reincarnate as a Muslim fundamentalist Muslim and experience that for a good 80 years not just for one year for a full 80 years to get the full sense of it and so now you see where this is going so every consciousness will use different consciousness here if what you are fundamentally as a consciousness every consciousness in order to fully understand what consciousness is would have to incarnate and live through every possible way that consciousness could live every experience that conscience possibly have this of course includes not just human experiences and not just experiences in the 21st century but all centuries all timelines all planets all living creatures and being including ants and insects and birds and trees and plants and and even inanimate objects like rocks chairs cars and if there are other universes through all the possible universes through all the possible multiverses all of it so if consciousness experiences and lives through every single permutation of of that of every perspective eventually it'll come to a point of complete self understanding which would be absolute infinity it would complete a full full cycle a full cycle of self realization in so doing the cycle begins sort of Atlit if we say the cycle begins at complete ignorance or completely limited perspective as more perspectives are experienced by consciousness it opens it up more and more and more to appreciating and wanting to explore more and more perspectives this is actually a movement from fear into love so we're gonna start at a point of utter selfishness and fear and limitation of perspective and then as we open up we realize that oh actually exploring different perspectives this is actually a good thing it's not a bad thing so we surrender more of our of our fears and more of our selfishness and more of our attachment to a particular limited way of being and we become a little bit more unlimited a little bit less limited a little bit less limited a little less limit and as we do that we we cycle through more and more perspectives as we do that we start to fall in love with the diversity of what we are is consciousness which is the diversity of all these perspectives we start to fall in love with more and more and more and more of them until eventually we reach a point of absolute love a point of complete impartiality and neutrality because we recognize that all these perspectives are totally relative they're completely equal we integrate every single one of them until they all perfectly cancel out leaving us with a pure infinite consciousness and that's what God is that's what you are in your highest form God is all perspectives at once without any bias towards any particular one because there is no reason to be biased towards any particular one when you realize that your true essence is nothing so you have no attachment to anything you need nothing to be defended you have no limit that you're trying to defend and therefore you're you're fully satisfied with the with being every possible perspective simultaneously because in so doing your abundance increases to infinity your diversity increases to infinity and you realize your entire full scope as the whole universe as consciousness and you integrate all that into yourself and you realize that that integration is what love is it's what you are it's what the universe is pretty cool huh so what's stopping you from doing this fear selfishness attachment close-mindedness disbelief that such a thing as possible or that it exists see that's the cosmic mechanism that's the cosmic game so you can either engage in this process consciously and willingly deliberately or unconsciously unwillingly with resistance you can either love the process or you can hate the process you can fear the process you can be grateful about the processor you can be resentful about the process either way the process will happen because the truth is that consciousness is infinite and it's everything if it wasn't you couldn't be here with your particular perspective the only way there can be one perspective if there are is if there are all perspectives see most people aren't engaging in this process consciously deliberately willingly with joy and gratitude most of them are resisting coming up with excuses and various kinds of coping and defense mechanisms to avoid the process which slows the whole process down and makes it needlessly complicated and painful so it's up to you how much resistance you put up to this process the more resistance you put up to it the more suffering there will be the less resistance the better your life will go so this is what I mean when I say that reality is a love simulator you've heard me say this before in my episodes about love the nature of love and what is love the universe is trying to teach you to love but you're resisting it because the love is so great that will it will annihilate you in the process but since the universe is love that's what it is it can't be anything else because infinity is love it has no other alternative you might wonder why would the universe be this way it seems like an awfully specific and complex almost human-like affair you might said like well Liam I understand how maybe a human would want to teach me love but why would the universe want to teach me love well what else would consciousness be in the business of doing why would consciousness do anything else but teach itself love is there something better it can do see the universe is in the business of doing everything and by universe I don't mean the scientific material universe I mean universe with a capital u a universe which includes every possible multiverse and all that stuff the totality of everything you see the universe is in the business of being everything it's perfectly symmetrical it's a absolute supersymmetry that's the only way it can exist in the first place in order to have a symmetries you need an overarching unifying absolute supersymmetry where all the a symmetries cancel out that's where the a symmetries come from that's the source one perspective you need to have an infinity of perspectives then that can generate one particular one so if you want to hasten this process make it easier on yourself what I recommend for you is that you use love to help you to explore other perspectives what if from this point on you made a commitment to actually appreciate every perspective that you encounter in life instead of what you currently do which is you judge it and criticize it and try to debunk it and try to manipulate it and try to attack it or try to defend it or you try to do something with it in order to serve yourself or to enhance your survival what if you dropped that and you mustered the courage to actually appreciate every possible angle on reality and then you became an explorer of these different perspectives such that even your entire life this current life that you're living in would be recontextualized as not just this one little personal life that you get to live and then you die and in the meantime you're just trying to accumulate as much wealth and success and sex and happiness as you possibly can and pleasure rather than looking out like that and then being all depressed when you're on your deathbed because all your life is coming to an end bla bla bla bla bla how sad it is what if you like really opened yourself up to the the ultimate adventure an infinite adventure in consciousness where you know you're going to you're going to go through every iteration every incarnation and experience all of reality from every possible angle as part of the universe's journey to understand and love itself what if you put your personal little life here in the 21st century on this planet into that larger context what if excited about exploring other perspectives traveling to different countries talking to different people eating different foods interacting with different races listening to different political commentary and appreciating understanding the validity of every political commentary that has ever been made including fascist ones Nazi ones and racist ones and misogynistic ones and feminist ones and LGBTQ ones and conservative ones liberal ones capitalist ones socialist ones and you saw the pros and cons and the limitations of each recognizing that each one is like that painting of an elephant which presents some aspect of the elephant but never the complete thing always an infinitely small aspect of the final thing and that you kept your eye on the real prize which is the infinity of the elephant not one particular rendition of it but in order to appreciate that the infinity of the elephant you're excited about looking at the elephant from every possible angle in every possible depiction and rendition through every possible lens and that you can appreciate it now that doesn't mean you draw false equivalence in the sense that now you hold that liberals and conservatives are equally bad or that you hold that Nazis are the same as socialists and so forth now you can you can still make practical distinctions you can still see that certain perspectives are more dysfunctional relatively speaking than other perspectives when we consider for example the well-being of humans in 21st century on this planet certain perspectives are are better in a relative sense in the sense that someone who's a climate change denier you can you can enter that person's mind and see the world through his eyes understand the appeal of that perspective and why it's there but ultimately you recognize that it's a it's a fear-based closed-minded perspective which is based on denial and various others sorts of things usually biased by various survival interests whether they're financial ones or cultural ones and so forth and so you can see that and you can see that you know because we want to maintain decent living on this planet that we should we should probably do something about global warming and climate change but still like you can really dive into that climate change denial perspective and really experience it see that that will actually enrich your life that will help you to understand other people it will make you a more loving human being how can you be a loving and conscious human being when you think that climate change deniers are idiots or that they're evil see you can't every time that you're judging some other humans perspective in the world you're fundamentally misunderstanding them and you're you're you're actually doing yourself a disservice because you're getting stuck in your own perspective and you're losing the infinite abundance that could be there for you and then that becomes like a thorn in your side too cuz then you got to be worried about the Nazis and you got to be worried about the racists and you got to be worried about the white supremacist and you got to be worried about the flat earthers and the climate change deniers and this to see all these become thorns in your side too which irritate you whereas you could become so expansive and so conscious and so deep in your understanding of reality that you can you can incorporate all of that into your larger sense of self that doesn't mean that you're gonna act those things out doesn't mean you're gonna become a racist it doesn't mean you're gonna you know go vote for a Nazi I'm not saying you do that but you can incorporate all those things you have a deep understanding and a deep wisdom and a deep love for that for all the dysfunction of mankind for all the selfishness and evil of mankind you you have a deep love in that and how do you think you would feel if you were able to achieve that do you think that would make you a weaker person or a more powerful person if you were able to just like sit on the couch and fall in love with all of mankind rather than what you do now which is bicker and debate and judge and criticize and demonize and even do violence to you probably have fantasies of doing violence to people you disagree with even if you never actually do the violence but you're you're committing the violence in your own mind you want to spit in their face or punch them or kick them or even shoot them or you wish some sort of harm upon them but as you're doing that see what you're not conscious of is that you're you're judging ultimately and demonizing your own self because all these other perspectives are really you don't know this yet but they're all aspects of of you they're all aspects of infinite consciousness so really when you're judging and demonizing and criticizing you're you're judging and criticizing and demonizing your own self you're wishing violence upon your own sound and you better believe it that's gonna that's gonna come back to bite you as the buddha supposedly said there's a lot of fake Buddha quotes out there but one of them that I remember that I like it's probably fake but it's good anyways goes something like you're not punished for your anger the anger is your punishment see you're either gonna be a bitter person or gonna be a loving person there's really two options in life your bitterness is gonna be directly proportional to how how little you understand and appreciate the perspectives of others how much you're stuck in your own perspective and your love is gonna be directly proportional to your level of understanding and appreciation of the abundance that the universe inherently is as long as you're willing to open yourself up to that the difficulty is that as you open yourself up to that the love becomes so strong that you're able you're literally unable to hold it it's too much love see most humans only no partial love but what if ever you walked out side your front door and you looked at the trees and the plants and the cars and the earth and all the humans walking around you saw that and you took all that in as as your own self and you you were in love with it constantly and this love just was like an echo chamber that kept perpetuating itself and strengthening itself like a rule like a snowball rolling down an infinite slope growing ever larger and larger and larger and larger see that's the ultimate possibility for your life so when we're talking about creating the good life what do we really mean ultimately it's not about accumulating material stuff per se it's not even about changing your personality to be better and so forth really what we're talking about as we're talking about getting your mind on this infinite slope of love where this snowball we we start off the snowball at first it's difficult to push it down hill and it gets stuck but eventually you build up enough momentum that it just it it just goes into an infinite rolling down the slope growing larger and larger and larger and your love just accumulates more and more and more and more you're sort of going into a freefall of love that would be isn't that would not be the most amazing life if you were actually able to somehow figure out how to achieve that so what keep it keeps people from doing that well fear selfishness basically attachment and at this point which I want to probably hit on in a future episode again cuz it's such an important point your psyches inability to just hold that love that's something you should practice more is when you feel so much love for your life and for reality that like your body your body starts to get antsy and squirmy you're not able to hold it it's almost like it's almost like it you're on the edge of an orgasm but it it like it feels uncomfortable because you want to come but you can't and you're kind of like at that edge you know that feeling because that intensity of love what if you if you just sit there and you consciously experience it and fully feel it that Daddy that intensity of love will itself be what heals you and transforms you it'll burn out your impurities and your selfishness but that shadow or darkness inside of you that devil that's inside of you that ego that's inside of you your your sense of self and all of its attachments and diction's it's gonna it's gonna resist that that purification and the fire of love see and so one of the things you should practice is whenever you have those rare moments of this intense intense love is to try to stay in it as consciously as you can for as long as you can to feel it as deeply as you can to allow it to touch you your heart as deep as it can and to let it to transform you and then to go through that entire it's a grieving it's actually a grieving process that you go through and you will cry you will have various kinds of emotions come up positive ones negative ones and so this is the process of spiritual purification of letting go of your attachments so that you're then cable of loving more and this is one of the things that psychedelics help you do is they helped you to go through this process by just blasting you with intense superhuman levels of love divine love absolute love unconditional love infinite love and then gradually over time not in one fell swoop but gradually over time does this this raises your capacity to love and this this is this is a long process that takes years and years and years the reason it takes so long so long and there's so much work there to be done is because you have so much attachment to selfishness and fear and also because the love is infinite it's so great that you're always going to discover higher and higher levels of it and in a sense that's what all human growth ultimately entails if you want to understand human growth at like the the highest purest level the deepest level it's this and it all begins simply with having an open mind and a willingness to explore different perspectives and to question one's own perspective and to be able to step outside and beyond one's own perspective so I hope this / helps this I hope this perspective helps you to see life in a different way and to show you a new meta possibility the possibility of approaching reality as as a perspectival thing not an objective material thing and then getting excited about exploring all this and not getting stuck in the human pettiness that is happening all around us especially on YouTube nowadays where people are constantly debating and debunking and judging each other's perspectives so that's that's ultimately my life's work is to help you to explore different perspectives and to understand how they work and why they work the way they work and then to appreciate that more and more and more and to be careful as we're doing that not to turn what I'm teaching actualize that orange into a perspective of its own see that's always that's always the danger is that you know you get cocky you know you explore a few perspectives and you get cocky and say okay I've explored enough of them I figured it all out and then you kind of create a new perspective out of that but that's still that's not really it that's not enough because you've just locked yourself down again see so you have to keep constantly pushing your mind to explore more and more to look at the world from different points of view I think one of the most powerful mental tools or techniques that you can use for the rest of your life if you really want a higher quality life it's this it's very simple challenge your mind even though it won't want to do this challenge and push your mind to look at the world through other perspectives that are significantly different than yours in a non-judgmental way where you actually step outside of your own perspective and take that perspective you can actually like do that for example just as a thought exercise sit there after this video is over sit there just for five minutes and I want you to actually try to live through as close as you can approximate what you think it would be like to be a neo-nazi or a fundamentalist Christian or a Muslim or a woman or a man you know whatever the opposite of whatever you think you are you know one of my favorite things about sex this is something I'm gonna teach more of in the future is it's not the orgasm that I receive I mean that's great but one of my favorite things is actually like what really turns me on in sex is imagining the orgasm that the woman receives lot of guys miss out on this they're too eager to get their orgasm and they have no interest in what it feels like for the woman to have her orgasm I don't just mean giving her an orgasm and taking pride in that that I mean that's nice but no I mean actually vicariously experiencing her orgasm as though it were your own I challenge you to sit there if you're a guy for five minutes close your eyes and try to experience for five minutes in your mind just using visualization basic visualization and imagination try to actually feel what it's like for a woman to experience sex what that feels like what the appeal is to her in it it's a it's it's beautifully different than what it is for you as a guy right to understand this you need to actually get into her mind into the psychology of a feminine sexuality that that's that can be challenging for some guys but also it's extremely rewarding if you're able to do it and you can do it in fact here's a bold claim it's possible for you as a guy to sit there on on your couch with your eyes closed without physically touching yourself to actually visualize her perspective and her orgasm and her sexual excitement so deeply so profoundly that you will actually literally experience her orgasm and you will have a female orgasm it's possible for you to to do that I'm not saying it's easy I'm not saying I'm gonna do it in five minutes you'll probably take a lot of practice you'll have to open your mind significantly you may require the help of psychedelics or something like that to actually accomplish it there are various techniques that can help you like hypnosis and so forth self-hypnosis and you have to get really good at visualization to do this but you can do this and if you do it it'll be one of most amazing experiences in your life and it'll get you a tangible sense of what I'm talking about and exploring like really exploring others perspectives and the beauty of that but you know for now if that's too tall of an order for you for now just commit from now on in your life to just genuinely being curious and exploring other people's perspective so like if you're at work and your boss is just you're disagreeing with your boss and your boss is a different perspective than you about something rather than just being defensive about it and criticizing him and so forth actually pause for a minute and try to see it from his perspective that doesn't mean his perspective is right or that you should do what he says but just try to see it from his perspective and you'll see that this is enormous ly beneficial in dealing with humans whether it's at work bosses co-workers employees or in politics it's extremely effective in politics it's extremely effective in understanding religion you basically cannot understand religion without this also with spirituality it's extremely effective in your personal relationships with your family your children your lovers and spouses and girlfriends and boyfriends it's very effective in understanding history being able to go back and actually look at looking at the world through different historical perspectives it's it's powerful for understanding different cultures and appreciating different cultures it's powerful as a technique for healing wounds and trauma from your childhood because to really forgive your parents or somebody who harmed you or did wrong to you in some way you will have to use this method in some way to see their perspective to see why they did the things they did why it felt right and proper from their perspective to do the things they did to you to harm you and then that will create an understanding which you will be able to use to then forgive and to develop compassion and to get over that trauma and wound that was caused to you by somebody else this is sort of the universal solvent for resolving human conflict is this ability and of course the reason we have so much human conflict at social at the social societal levels and at the cultural you know culture wars and the battle between males and females and and at the individual level the family level at the worker employee level at all these different levels we have these conflicts precisely because people are unwilling to practice this technique and nobody has taught them how to practice this technique and it's difficult to practice a sec nique it takes effort it's not something we naturally want to do naturally our mind wants to just lock itself into one perspective so try that on for size as a technique alright that's it I'm done here please click that like button for me and come check out actualize that org that's my website on there you'll find the blog the book list the life purpose course the forum which I'm very active on I have nearly 220 thousand posts on my forum a lot of stuff there I'm posting exclusive content on my blog I just recently posted a new video there two hour-long video on property rights and libertarianism so I I will be posting more exclusive stuff there so make sure you don't miss those if you like my content and you can support me on patreon at patreon.com slash actualised if you'd like me to do more of this in-depth work you